In-Between Lives

“Fine Art can be timeless and carry a special iconic quality, which radiates far beyond the initial object or idea. Through Buddhist practice, we can render our lives as art and shape them through managing positive intentions with mindfulness and by accumulating spiritual merit”

~Khenpo Phuntshok Tashi

My understanding of self and no self is the exploration of Buddhism as a life’s journey of emotions through art. As I make my personal spiritual journey to understand death through life, I came across the teaching of Bardo. “Bardo” is generally understood as a state of existence between death and rebirth.

In Buddhism, “Bar” is a Tibetan word, which means ‘In-between’ or as an intermediate state and “Do” means “two” or the beginning and end of the cycle of births and attainment of enlightenment.

Khenpo Phuntshok Tashi mentions in his book “The Fine Art of Living and Manifesting a Peaceful Death” :

“Fine Art can be timeless and carry a special iconic quality, which radiates far beyond the initial object or idea. Through Buddhist practice, we can render our lives as art and shape them through managing positive intentions with mindfulness and by accumulating spiritual merit”

As I take my own life as art and aspire to understand the essence of being alive, I hope to share this experience of being IN-BETWEEN LIVES through my work.

Exhibition happening from 13 August to 13 September 2023