Healing Bowl

Art Description

The painting is based on the Medicine Buddha, Bhaisjayaguru, Vaiduryaprabha in Sanskrit , the healing master of lapis lazuli radiance.

The bowl inside the orange circle represents lapis lazuli, a deep blue metamorphic rock with healing properties, for cleansing the throat, warding off psychic attacks and enhancing creativity. The radiant lapis lazuli emanating from the Medicine Buddha’s body is said to transmit healing rays. The plant in the lapis lazuli bowl is the Myrobalan, known locally as Arura – a Himalayan medicinal fruit tree used extensively in Bhutanese indigenous medicines and highly regarded as an extraordinary medicinal herb. It is for this reason the plant is known as men gyalpo : the king of medicines.

Art Specification

Title: Healing Bowl
Year: 2022
Dimension: 105x105cm
Medium: Acrylic & Oil
Exhibited In: Healing with Happiness
Price: Price on Request
Artwork Code: HWH45

Home Artists Twinz HWH45 Healing Bowl


Born 1988, from Sarpang

Buddhism, consciousness, psychedelics, human warrior spirit, shamanism, tangible and the intangible culture of Bhutan influence our subject matter. We express our understanding and views on these subjects through the use of traditional and non-traditional icons and symbols. Humans are the focal point in the works as symbols of sacred warriors of the awakened mind.

Wisdom is used as a tool to discover the basic goodness of human life. Most of the faces in the work are of imaginary women as they represent wisdom and energy embodying humanity and divinity in feminine form. They are the guardians of spiritual practice and represent the empty quality of luminous awareness. The colourful patterns in the paintings evoke transcendence or psychedelic vibes implying altered state of consciousness.