Four Seasons

Art Description

The painting is inspired by the four seasons, depicted in the colours that most represent the season. Spring, with new green growth, summer with heat and a profusion of flowers, autumn with falling leaves and ripened fruit, winter with snow and bare, stark branches. Constant within each changing season is the spiritualism and nature that abounds in Bhutan, bringing peace and calm to our hearts.

Art Specification

Title: Four Seasons
Year: 2022
Dimension: 30×30 cm each
Medium: Acrylic
Exhibited In: Healing with Happiness
Price: Price on Request
Artwork Code: HWH76 (I,II,III,IV)

Home Artists Salil Bishwa HWH76 (I,II,III,IV) Four Seasons

Salil Bishwa

Born 1991, from Chukha

I started to sketch and draw at a young age. Since my father is an artist I was attracted to it and took it up as my favourite hobby. I was able to take it up as a full time profession and dedicate my time to pursue it fully after college.