Mother Tara
Art Description
“As I seek refuge in Tara, my soul starts to heal
From the pain and hurt, my soul becomes a clean slate
The purity in her purifies me
I become quiet in my healing
I can start from the very beginning.”
Art Specification
Title: Mother Tara
Year: 2024
Dimension: 147x160cm
Medium: Acrylic
Exhibited In: BhutanArt Gallery at Paro International Airport
Price: Nu.140,000/- (Ngultrum One Hundred Forty Thousand)
Artwork Code: AG580
Pem Lham
Born 1997, from Lhuentse
I was introduced to VAST Bhutan by my late brother- VAST was his whole life, and he was a big and beloved part of the VAST family. VAST has been one of the ways I still connect to him- he left a lot of friends, memories, and his art as legacy. I graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from Beacon House National University in Lahore, Pakistan, and interned with VAST for a year. Being part of VAST has given me the opportunity to be part of huge and exciting projects, like the Paro Airport gallery which we are working on now, or the gigantic mural we completed in Haa valley in 2020, as part of the Royal Bhutan Flower Exhibition, and which has become an icon in the valley. I have worked mostly with acrylic, a medium I am most comfortable with, but I would like to explore oil painting and sculpture as well. For me, being an artist is about continuing to learn and grow, and be part of an incredible community.